Aloha ‘oe


Aloha ‘Oe (Farewell to Thee), one of Hawaii’s most significant cultural symbols, was composed by Lili’uokalani in 1878. The song is thought to have been inspired by an emotional farewell embrace between the Queen and Colonel James Harbottle Boyd prior to her departure for Honolulu, but has since been associated with the annexation of the…


Queen Liliʻuokalani (1838–1917) was Hawaii’s last monarch, known for her resilience in the face of political turmoil. Ascending to the throne in 1891, she sought to restore the kingdom’s independence and strengthen the rights of Native Hawaiians. However, her efforts were thwarted by American businessmen and settlers, leading to a coup in 1893 that deposed her. During her reign, Liliʻuokalani was imprisoned in her own palace, yet she remained a symbol of resistance and only abdicated to spare her supporters from jail.

Aloha ‘Oe (Farewell to Thee), one of Hawaii’s most significant cultural symbols, was composed by Lili’uokalani in 1878. The song is thought to have been inspired by an emotional farewell embrace between the Queen and Colonel James Harbottle Boyd prior to her departure for Honolulu, but has since been associated with the annexation of the island by the United States. Noteworthy recordings of this piece have been made by prominent artists such as Elvis Presley, Bing Crosby, and Les Paul.


Haʻaheo e ka ua i nā pali                       Proudly swept the rain by the cliffs

Ke nihi aʻela i ka nahele                        As it glided through the trees

E hahai (uhai) ana paha i ka liko        Still following ever the bud

Pua ʻāhihi lehua o uka                          The ʻāhihi lehua[a] of the vale


Hui: Chorus:

Aloha ʻoe, aloha ʻoe                               Farewell to thee, farewell to thee

E ke onaona noho i ka lipo                  The charming one who dwells in the shaded bowers

One fond embrace,                               One fond embrace,

A hoʻi aʻe au Ere                                    I depart

Until we meet again                             Until we meet again


ʻO ka haliʻa aloha i hiki mai                 Sweet memories come back to me

Ke hone aʻe nei i                                     Bringing fresh remembrances

Kuʻu manawa                                          Of the past

ʻO ʻoe nō kuʻu ipo aloha                        Dearest one, yes, you are mine own

A loko e hana nei                                    From you, true love shall never depart


Maopopo kuʻu ʻike i ka nani                I have seen and watched your loveliness

Nā pua rose o Maunawili                     The sweet rose of Maunawili

I laila hiaʻai nā manu                            And ’tis there the birds of love dwell

Mikiʻala i ka nani o ka liko                  And sip the honey from your lips

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